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Position Paper on COVID-19 Testing and Health Identification Available Now

  • 17 Feb 2021

Over the past year, airports in Asia-Pacific and the Middle East level have each faced different national approaches to travel bans, restrictions, testing, quarantines and vaccination. These unilateral and uncoordinated measures have and continue to severely  jeopardise the recovery of the air transport sector. 


Two important factors currently dominate the discussion on the recovery and restart of international aviation from the COVID-19 pandemic: COVID-testing and passenger health identification.  


ACI Asia-Pacific has therefor issued a position paper with key considerations on COVID-testing and passenger health identification to contribute to the discussion on testing and health identification. The paper represents the view of the airport industry on criteria that should be duly considered by policy makers at national and regional level.  


Developed in consultation with the ACI Asia-Pacific Regional Board and COVID-19 Task Force, the position paper provides practical considerations in regards to the implementation of testing and the verification of “health passes” at airports.  


Through this latest position paper, ACI Asia-Pacific will continue to engage the policy makers at regional and national level to ensure airports’ perspectives are taken into consideration when they develop policies pertaining to testing and health certification for international travel. The association invites members to make use of the position paper in consultations with national authorities.  

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