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ANSP and Airport Associations Highlight A-CDM and ATFM Benefits

  • 10 Jun 2021

Earlier this month, CANSO, the global association for air navigation service providers (ANSP), and ACI Asia-Pacific partnered to deliver a virtual workshop on the benefits of implementing Air Traffic Flow Management (ATFM) and Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM).  


Airline, airport and ANSP experts in ATFM and A-CDM spoke to a virtual full house of more than 200 representatives of airports and ANSP’s discussing the concepts, benefits and practical challenges in the implementation of ATFM and A-CDM. ICAO Asia and Pacific, which oversees a regional plan to apply ATFM and A-CDM at all international airports, familiarised ANSPs and airports in the region with their implementation framework.  


The key takeaways from the workshop were:  

  • The need to change from the conventional mentality of serving departing aircraft on a “first-come-first-serve” basis to “best-plan-best-served” 
  • The significant savings in fuel-burn and reductions in flight delays after implementing ATFM/ACDM,  
  • The synergy created by the integration of the two systems.   

Both associations encourage their members to research the benefits of both systems and explore integration. To learn more, the workshop slides for Day 1 and Day 2 are available for download.  


Hong Kong
SL WongACI Asia-Pacific
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