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Auckland Airport announces leadership change

  • 2023-10-13

Auckland Airport today announced Chief Financial Officer Phil Neutze has resigned after more than 13 years with the organisation.

Mr Neutze joined Auckland Airport in early 2010 as Head of Business Intelligence, before being appointed Chief Financial Officer in December 2015.

Chief Executive Carrie Hurihanganui said Phil’s tenure at the airport had been marked by a time of enormous change at Auckland Airport.

“Phil has been key to Auckland Airport delivering on its ambitions and strategy, particularly the past few years as we managed the financial impact of the Covid pandemic.


“Auckland Airport is a very different place to what it was when Phil joined. We are now underway with the biggest infrastructure programme since the airport was built, and Phil has been pivotal in getting to this point.” 


Mr Neutze will remain in his role until 22 December 2023 before taking up a new role as Group Chief Financial Officer at Datacom in March. Auckland Airport will begin the process of appointing his replacement, with Head of Strategy, Planning and Performance, Stewart Reynolds, stepping into the role of Acting Chief Financial Officer from 22 December.

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Auckland Airport
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