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MACL Attains the IATA ISAGO Certificate for the Fourth Consecutive Time

  • 2022-08-18

Maldives Airports Company Limited (MACL) has successfully completed its fourth ISAGO Recertification Audit and renewed the registration under the IATA Safety Audit for Ground Operations (ISAGO) Program. MACL and Velana International Airport (VIA) has been certified under this program since 2016. 


At the special ceremony today the Safety, Security and Quality Department of MACL handed over the ISAGO certificate to the Managing Director of MACL Mr. Mahjoob Shujau. 


MACL accomplished the requirements of ISAGO certification after an intensive audit carried out by IATA in areas of Organization and Management (ORM), Load Control (LOD), Passenger & Baggage Handling (PAB), Aircraft Handling & Loading (HDL), Aircraft ground Movement (AGM), Cargo & Mail Handling (CGM). During the ISAGO certification process, required manuals were developed for ground operations and regular internal audits were carried out.


IATA Safety Audit for Ground Operations (ISAGO) is a globally recognized audit program developed by International Air Transport Association (IATA). The ISAGO has been a beneficial program for MACL to continuously improve the safety & efficiency of its ground operations through standardizing operational procedures, demonstrating its conformity to the industry best practices and standards.

MACL Attains the IATA ISAGO Certificate for the Fourth Consecutive Time

MACL Attains the IATA ISAGO Certificate for the Fourth Consecutive Time

MACL Attains the IATA ISAGO Certificate for the Fourth Consecutive Time
MACL Attains the IATA ISAGO Certificate for the Fourth Consecutive Time
MACL Attains the IATA ISAGO Certificate for the Fourth Consecutive Time
MACL Attains the IATA ISAGO Certificate for the Fourth Consecutive Time

MACL Attains the IATA ISAGO Certificate for the Fourth Consecutive Time

MACL Attains the IATA ISAGO Certificate for the Fourth Consecutive Time
MACL Attains the IATA ISAGO Certificate for the Fourth Consecutive Time
MACL Attains the IATA ISAGO Certificate for the Fourth Consecutive Time
MACL Attains the IATA ISAGO Certificate for the Fourth Consecutive Time

MACL Attains the IATA ISAGO Certificate for the Fourth Consecutive Time

MACL Attains the IATA ISAGO Certificate for the Fourth Consecutive Time
MACL Attains the IATA ISAGO Certificate for the Fourth Consecutive Time
MACL Attains the IATA ISAGO Certificate for the Fourth Consecutive Time
Maldives Airports Company Limited (MACL)
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