Plastic Bottle Collection Bins for Closed-loop Recycling Installed in KIX
- 2023-07-18
Contributing to the promotion of a circular economy through "bottle-to-bottle’’ recycling
Kansai Airports is delighted to announce the installation of dedicated collection bins in Kansai International Airport (KIX) for a "bottle-to-bottle" recycling, a closed-loop recycling of plastic bottles.
Kansai Airports Group has been working on reduction of plastics, conversion of materials and a closed-loop recycling as major initiatives for the "circular economy," one of the axes of ourenvironmental plan (Environmental Vision 2050 and Environmental Goal 2030). We installed those dedicated collection bins for ''bottle-to-bottle'' recycling to promote the above initiatives. We regard ‘’plastic bottles as resources‘’, and recycling plastic bottles enablescirculations of resources while reducing waste and CO2 emissions.Kansai Airports Group will continue to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society by promoting initiatives for decarbonization, a circular economy, and an environmental symbiosis.